Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Roles, Hair, Relationship Problems - 1526 Words

It is a broadly known fact that throughout history women have been subjected to oppression and sexism. Before researching into the unfair treatment of women in U.S. history, I was one of many who believed sexism, although not yet demolished all together, had been downscaled since the early 1900’s when â€Å"the position of women in our society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes.† (Kang, 8, Quoted by Bradley in Bradwell, 62). My findings and realizations from personal experience made me aware that women are still subjected to many unfair expectations. We still, in our society place a lot of emphasis on gender and what is appropriate, or expected of each; though it is now subtle. We often†¦show more content†¦Greer states that in a study where female babies were wrapped up and said to be male â€Å"The subjects treated them as male, responding quickly to their vociferations† (Greer, 894). Because of th is immediate response and providing the baby with an object rather then affection â€Å" The boy baby learns he can have anything he wants quickly†(Greer, 894). And it is my interpretation that he fails to develop much of an understanding and compassion for others or any sort of tolerance. The guy I was seeing had an intolerance for my appearance and simply expected me to change it, he simply expected to get what he wanted because girls are suppose to fit into an image. It was almost as if in this situation he wanted me to believe I was at fault for not fitting an image and he had all the rights to demand I change something about myself so he could have the immediate satisfaction of having a girlfriend with â€Å"long soft straight ladylike hair.† It is arguable that sexism regarding physical appearance is not, in fact, sexism at all. Gordon Gallup and Fredrick A David in their article The Science of Sex Appeal: An evolutionary hold a biological perspective on the issue believing that attractiveness and sex appeal, whichShow MoreRelatedLook Good For All You Do1301 Words   |  6 Pagesrights as men, they might be from another planet. The Fluid hair saloon created an advertisement in 2014 and it is about hair looks, that make women flawless for every situation and every moment. â€Å"Look good in all you do† is the short text, that makes this advertisement more clear for someone to understand. This publicity has a nondescript photo, that questions the viewer about the connection between the saloon and the picture. The gender role in this ad is shown unequal, where men has the power andRead MoreVarious Types Of Literary Devices1182 Words   |  5 Pagesperspectives on real world problems or messages through the novel. M essages found in children’s books could be as simple as being kind to one another. 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