Sunday, December 29, 2019

Published The Sociological Imagination - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 564 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Sociological Imagination Essay Did you like this example? In 1959, C. W. Mills published The sociological Imagination. Sociology was new in the U.S. and few universities even had sociology departments. Sociologists discussed how to teach and explain what is intended to know sociology. Mills book is a critical point in history. The book looks into sociologys future and had a big influence on sociological masterminds of the twentieth century. Mills is trying to show how a person can develop reason based on outside information. Mills defines the sociological imagination as the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society. He enjoyed visualising things socially and how they interact and impact each other. The sociological imagination utilizes four factors to help sociologists see things from different viewpoints: biography, social structure, and history. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Published The Sociological Imagination" essay for you Create order Biography refers to the everyday struggles people face in life Mills refers to this as milieu. Social structure refers to institutions like family, work environment, political gatherings and how they are connected. When discussing the history of a person, it often has to do with biological factors and where your DNA originates from it connects the smaller picture with the bigger picture. Sociology enables an individual to comprehend their place in reality and shows them a way to control their own world. Social structures and common issues in peoples lives are rarely ever personal. These individual issues are issues experienced by a population of people in society. Numerous individual issues are social issues camouflaged by selfishness. The distinction between an individual and societal issue in an individual are the inconveniences a person encounters, and the issues a whole society encounters that could undermine its structure. A normal person may get discouraged about being jobless and acknowledges it as their own inconvenience. If there are thousands of individuals unemployed Mills argues it should then be treated as a public issue. These problems are interwoven with a large-scale of society where government policy might be included as a public issue. One example of this is divorce separations inside a society tends to be viewed as individual inconveniences of only the people involved. If individuals are getting divorced each year, than it tends to be viewed as a public issue where foundations like marriage are considered a bigger issue of society. The sociological imagination helps understand history, life, and the relations inside a society. Individuals make history and biographies are peoples life stories. History is what went on between individuals everywhere throughout the world. History is the proof of what was done, why it was done and how it turned out. Mills specified two schools in the book, the first school is the grand theory and focuses on the Harvard sociologist Talcott Parsons. He made speculations about what all humans do. Mills sees Parsons is the prime grand theory. There are two fundamental issues of this theory, the first is that it is confusing, utilizing enormous words and long entries when the thoughts are straightforward, could be explained easier and cannot explain the problems people have or how to fix them. The second school, abstracted empiricism is fixated on surveying individuals and public opinion but this surveying only works sometimes. Surveys can tell you someones opinion, but it cant tell you what is persuading it. Mills thinks this technique systematize research and stops critical thinking. As a result, transforms sociology into bureaucracy. Sociology takes on the bureaucratic ideals instead of truth.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bullying Is Not New, And It - 1638 Words

Everyone hears the story. It happens almost too much and sometimes just an ordinary day of a teenager’s life. A young teenager comes home crying to her mother that she was picked on at school. Her best friend made fun of what she was wearing, did not sit with her at lunch, and talked about her behind her back. Everyone has gone through this sometime in their life—being teased or picked on. However, when does it come to the point of bullying? The topic of bullying is not new, and it happens to more teenagers than what we would like to think. Bullying can be defined as verbal, emotional, or physical abuse by means of threatening, intimidating, or frightening someone smaller or weaker than the aggressor. Bullying can also involve exclusion,†¦show more content†¦The behavior of the violence among girls may have a serious impact on the rise of bullying in recent years. For violence against peers, a study found that â€Å"the most common reasons youth were violent t oward peers was to punish them for something done or said, to get them back down from offensive actions, and in self-defense† (Zahn 11). A clearly sustainable defense of bullying, one would say. Behind physical violence as the most frequent predecessor for violence, the next common trigger of violence is verbal exchanges. This is most common among girl bullies. Definition of violence against peers included â€Å"trying to damage the social standing or self-esteem of peers by using verbal rejection, gossip, rumor spreading, and social ostracism† (Zahn 11). These triggers initiate bullying among teenage girls, and can sometimes result in physical violence. Research shows that girls are more violent in middle school than in high school against their peers. Whereas boys are more likely to be more direct with bullying, such as fighting, girls use indirect bullying through relational aggression, which includes spreading rumors, gossiping, or exclusion of others. Although less physical, the use of verbal bullying causes serious emotional damage among the victims. Reasons for girls bullying may include: gaining social status, defending their own reputation, being picked on th emselves, having poor role models, or

Friday, December 13, 2019

Examine the Importance of Demographics and Physical Infrastructure Free Essays

Thorr Motorcycles: Perceptual Map Marketing Gary Phillips University of Phoenix Thorr Motorcycles: Perceptual Map Marketing Molded and marketed as Thorr Motorcycles, attributes were modeled after the Norse God of Thunder, Thor—strong, honest, and simply reliable product design, and loyal customers lived a lifestyle of freedom, mobility, and masculinity. Successful marketing, which promoted high- end motorcycles as an integral component of one’s lifestyle had served the purposes for sustaining Thorr with a 40% market share—iconic brand devotion (Apollo Group Inc. , 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on Examine the Importance of Demographics and Physical Infrastructure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Over the past months, sales have been waning largely because of changing market demographics —aging customer base, younger generations influx, and competition. The high-end lifestyle image and pricing was not appealing to the younger set; the time was ripe for seizing the opportunity for repositioning Thorr’s image in an expanding market. Assessing how consumers perceive brands, what factors are most important, and comparing attribute preferences by mapping the various aspects or dimensions is a process for creating perceptual maps—a statistical process, which is just one aspect of marketing research. Determining the most appropriate attributes to include in constructing the mapping model begins with Phase I, Phase II developing a marketing plan after assessing the feasibility for repositioning the existing Thorr machine, or introducing a new brand for sparking interest, desirability, and Phase III controls for gauging the effectiveness of the marketing plan and constant monitoring for a readied stance for making seamless, cost effective adjustments. Phase I Discovering market position begins with an assessment of consumer perception for Thorr Motorcycles, in relation to competitors by choosing pertinent parameters, which clarifies strengths and weaknesses. Information gleaned from Phase I will provide the framework from which positioning strategies, new product development options, and marketing plans can be launched within budget for ensuring success—increased sales, revenues, market share, and enhanced corporate value. Quality engineering, price, lifestyle image, and cool were choices that approximated scenario optimal selections. Brand Thorr is synonymous with quality engineering a core value that must not be abandoned. Maintaining quality engineering sustains customer perceptions of excellent quality products, which is an important aspect of corporate credibility. Occupying the mind space of target markets with a notion of credibility is one-step in assuring that Thorr will be a company that individuals look forward to doing business. Pricing is important to most consumers, especially during contracting economies. Cruiser Thorr pricing schedule was negatively viewed by respondents, and an insight was gleaned that pricing strategies would have to reflect these facts. It became apparent that younger customers had less disposable cash, thus part of the solution was revealed that offering more affordable products, which still retained a standard of high quality, seemed to be attributes for developing a new marketing plan and possibly a new product line. Creating a lifestyle within product design will create a situation when customers will primarily make a purchase based on acquiring a lifestyle, an image, fulfilling a psychological need for acceptance—belong to a group. Choosing cool, is an attribute that comprises lifestyle; therefore, opting for services would have provided an additional unique dimension for deciding to reposition Cruiser Thorr. Added dimensions of functionality, which cover four appropriate mapping attributes will provide more solid footing for making a decision to target a new market segment—the younger generation—with an exciting, hip, affordable machine, which reinvented a lifestyle, continued dedication to quality, featured expanded services, including finance options, maintenance training, and club ride rallies, that would serve to establish loyalty with customers, dealers, and distributors (Apollo Group, Inc. 2008). Phase II Analyzing the information provided by perceptual mapping and other marketing research information must be considered carefully, constructively, and fairly by applying critical thinking skills. How will marketing strategies placed into action effect other aspects of the corporate environment—internally and externally in the marketplace of many eyes and ears tuned in on marketing strategy position and consumer perceptions influenced by segmentation into changing demographics offering new products aimed at younger customers. Will a less expensive new model with enhanced financing opportunities and expanded services erode customer perceptions of Thorr Motorcycles losing touch with a commitment to excellence in quality? The evidence revealed that a different segment— younger individuals influenced by price more so than the aging customer base that has buoyed Thorr’s success over the years is fueling the growing motorcycle market. The younger generation could not care less about the brand image of Cruiser Thorr, let alone purchasing one, which is way out of the preferred price range. For these reasons and the fact that Cruiser Thorr is in stage four of its product life cycledeclining sales—the marketing plan should launch a brand new product, one that sustains the corporate core value of commitment to quality excellence and offers the new market niche affordability, financing options, and enhanced services. This will require a differentiation in the marketing mix. According to Perreault and McCarthy, Jr. , 2004, â€Å"By differentiating the marketing mix to do a better job meeting customers’ needs, the firm builds a competitive advantage† (p. 81). Shifting the market plan with changing differentiation attributes mix now focused on affordability, attractive financing options, and expanded services including social fraternities, the new customer base will be more inclined to view the innovative two-wheeler as a commodity, which offers superior value and quality. Realigning internal corporate processes and unifying the change in focus on a new product goal will cause other processes in the marketing mix to function smoothly for promoting and placing the new product in a position to be perceived in a positive light. Attracting this new demographic and creating a buzz about the new now motorcycle will also sustain the lucrative licensing of product accessories that has been an important component of the corporate landscape and market environment. Phase III The perceptual map considerations for Cruiser Thorr were appropriate and by incorporating attractive financing options, some of the younger demographic segments opted for the higher priced Cruiser. This was an effective consideration for continuing the Cruiser brand, even though the product life cycle is in its final stages. Assessing the correct parameters for RRoth fell a bit short of the mark. Not including the cool parameter in the control or monitoring phase of the marketing plan for analyzing partial research findings was a mistake and one that I should have considered separate from lifestyle in this phase of the marketing plan. Cool is the in ord and a defining characteristic of lifestyle association by the younger crowd. Using the more efficient engine—increased miles per gallon coupled with lower maintenance costs—in the R Roth machine was a sound move, which not only provided the vehicle for offering affordability, but the technical knowhow provided by research and development has successfully sustained a core value of Thorr Motorcycles—a commitment to engineering quality excellence. Conclusion Fierce competition is commonplace in the evolving global marketplace and oftentimes corporations experience performance changes such as sagging sales, which affected the product revenues for Cruiser Thorr, a brand that had sustained corporate values and created wealth for shareholders over the years. The forces that be at Thorr Motorcycles, moved swiftly to determine the parameters, which could be the cause for sales to decline in an expanding market sector. Management effectively transformed a problematic situation into an opportunity for creating new product lines, which provided a differentiation of marketing mix with greater emphasis on affordability, financing options, refined engine technologies, and enhanced services, which combined to create renewed interest in a product brand that was fast becoming known for a reinvented lifestyle—the image of cool. Capitalizing on market research paved the way for some of the younger generation to opt for the high-end Cruiser Thorr, which was offered with attractive financing and insurance plans. The mix combined to infuse increased sales for Cruiser Thorr, a product in the last stages of its product life cycle and introduce an innovative product that was establishing itself as a popular lifestyle brand, which was just in the beginnings of its product life cycle—a good mix for young and old alike! References Apollo Group, Inc. (2008). Cruiser Thorr Simulation. Retrieved July 11, 2009, from University of Phoenix database Perreault, W. D. , McCarthy Jr. , E. J. (2004). Basic marketing: A global-managerial approach, (15th Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies. Perceptual Maps are visual picture of what the customer thinks about a product. â€Å"Perceptual Maps help to compare the brand’s attributes with those of the competitors and to ascertain market position† (University of Phoenix, 2004). In the simulation, the writer created a perceptual map for the motorcycle company Thorr Motors. The perceptual map will help the owners create a marketing plan to assist in sustaining a high brand image of their motorcycles. This paper will discuss three phases of the simulation. These phases are the situation, recommended and solution. The results of the simulation will be discussed. Finally, the paper will discuss relationship between differentiation and positioning of products or services and the impact of the  product life cycle on marketing. Background Thorr Motorcycles Inc. manufacturers over 200,000 motorcycles each year. In addition to manufacturing motorcycles, they sell T-shirts, motorcycles shoes, and small leather goods(University of Phoenix, 2004) . The company also provides their customers with a number of  services from dealer training, motorcycle rentals, and motorcycle riding training. I have just  been recruited to the management team as the new market manager. I am going to help the company construct a perpetual map to help Thorr Motorcycle’s Inc. create a new market ingstrategy. Phase I Currently, the sales of the motorcycle Cruiser Thorr are decreasing rapidly. The sales are Sample Final Examination MKT/421 Version 10 1 MKT/421 Sample Final Examination This Sample Examination represents the Final Examination that students complete in Week Five. As in the following Sample Examination, the Final Examination includes questions that assess the course objectives. Although the Sample Examination includes one question per objective, the Final Examination includes three questions per course objective. Refer to the questions in the following Sample Examination to represent the type of questions that students will be asked in the Final Examination. Refer students to the weekly readings and content outlines for eachweek as study references for the Final Examination. Week One: Marketing Fundamentals Objective: Define marketing. 1. Marketing a. means selling or advertising b. eans exchanging offerings that have value for customers c. involves actually making goods or performing servicesd. Does not impact consumers’ standard of living Objective: Explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. 2. In 2006, Starbucks  ® produced the movie, Ak  eelah and the Bee . This is an example of a. Diversification b. market development c. product penetrationd. differentiation Objective: Describe the elements of the marketing mix. 3. All of the following are product-area decisions EXCEPT a. quality level . market exposure c. brand named. packaging Objective: Explain the importance of the marketing mix in the development of marketing strategyand tactics. 4. Scott Paper uses many intermediaries to reach its target markets; Citibank ® uses none. Which of the marketing mix variables is being considered here? a. Penetrationb. Productc. Promotiond. Place Objective: Create a marketing plan. 5. __________ refers to putting marketing plans into operation. a. Delivery b. Implementation c. Operational planningd. Strategy planning How to cite Examine the Importance of Demographics and Physical Infrastructure, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Challenges we face today free essay sample

Challenges we face today in the 21st century are youths not preparing for a productive adult hood. Many youth dont make it in life because they dont have a post – secondary education. Obama had a speech saying â€Å"tonight I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training† because nowadays most job required a post – secondary education. Jobs are getting advance and the need for skilled professional are in demand but young adults dont fulfilled the expectation. United State education system is falling behind, youth arent finding employment. No one wants to hire someone who isnt ready for the task. Post – secondary education is youre ID to get hired in any field you choose to be. All the reports, all the reasons we still have failed to take action. Getting a post – secondary education should be a primary task. We will write a custom essay sample on Challenges we face today or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the workforce today it’s important to have a higher education because if you dont you wont have a chance against the person next to you. By having a little more higher education then the next person can earn you more money and live a better lifestyle. If money concerns you, then you need a post-secondary education because future jobs required post- secondary education. The demand for higher education is continuing to increase. Even if jobs are available they are filled by people with post- secondary education. Even blue collar field type of jobs required some post-secondary education. Employers complain that youth are not prepared because they don’t have communication skills, critical thinking, and not being professional. It is important to have both hard and soft skills. Since the labor market is so tough it’s hard to complete without a post – secondary education. Since teens are unable to find jobs they are getting into trouble with the law and most of them are low incomes or minority. Right now the percent of working young adults are at its lowest point. Where ever you go education will always play an important role in your life. Post high school training is necessary to help increase the employment rate. Post- secondary education will help United State move forward.